28 January 2010

Photo Break ...

My friend Leigh de Armas is a great therapist and wonderful photographer. Her photos always make me think, laugh, or smile ...

Bullets & Butterflies has posted on some weighty topics lately ... and will do so again soon. Sometimes it's a good idea to take a break, breath in the beauty of our world, and relax.

Today, we do that through the lens of Leigh's camera ...

I wish someone would call, and report back
if Genesis Wildlife ever found the owl?

... Father, we thank You for everything You have given us. Help us open our eyes to the beauty of Your creation, help us slow down, and guide us to allow time in our day to take it all in. Above all teach us to love each other. In Jesus name we pray ...


  1. Very nice. Love the tree in the moonlight(?) especially.

  2. I like the missing owl sign. We're missing a squirrel or two ourselves, thanks to the neighborhood cat.

  3. Russell, this is so special. I am so flattered! Thank you so much!

  4. Very nice- enjoyed these pics a lot!

  5. Lol. These are awesome. Love the owl one.

  6. Amen.

    Very nice pictures.

  7. Katdish - I love it when celebrities visit B&B ... :-)

    Glynn - I knew you would be interested as I am to find out what happened to the owl

    Warren - Hey Brother ...

    Marty - Checked out your blog ... loved it.

    KenV - How's it going, Brother ...
